
How it works

   Now, i will give you a few practical tips regarding the proper functioning of these mechanical sculptures:

– To work properly, every automaton must stand on a horizontal/flat surface in a vertical position.

– The crank must be turned in the correct direction

– Although they are made from hardwood, most of them contain small and sensitive parts, so they should be treated carefully.

– More than 90% are made of beech wood (the scientific name: Fagus). But also contain metal parts as: nails, metal rods and screws.

– Some of them are painted with water based colors and water based varnish.

– As i already mentioned these sculptures are made from a dense wood, in conclusion, some of them depending on size, can weigh up to 3 Kg.

– Last but not least, a part of them may seem childish, but you do not have to consider them as toys suitable for small children…at least not without direct supervision of an adult.


– Automatonul funcţionează corect doar aşezat în poziţie verticală, pe o suprafaţă plană.

– Înainte de a acţiona manivela verificaţi săgeata care indică sensul corect de rotire. O rotire în sensul necorespunzător poate duce la deteriorarea mecanismului.

– Nu bruscaţi mecanismul, acesta este sensibil la şocuri şi trebuie tratat ca atare.

– Când manevraţi aceste sculpturi, nu le apucaţi de părţile vizibil sensibile. Deşi lemnul de fag din care sunt realizate este un lemn dur, anumite piese se pot rupe dacă nu sunt mânuite cu grijă.

– În cazul în care întâmpinaţi rezistenţă în timpul rotirii manivelei, schimbaţi cu o jumătate de rotaţie sensul apoi continuaţi în direcţia indicată.

– A se feri de umezeală!


Aceste sculpturi mecanice au angrenaje a căror funcţionare corectă este direct proporţională cu grija cu care sunt manevrate. Mecanismele sunt compuse din piese care pot fi inghiţite. În concluzie, nu trebuie lăsate la îndemâna copiilor decât sub directa supraveghere a unui adult.

Pentru informaţii suplimentare:



– To work properly, every automaton must stand in a vertical position on a flat surface.

– The crank must be turned in the correct direction. Check the arrow next to the crank.

– Do not handle the mechanism with sudden movements, it is sensitive to shocks and should be treated as such.

– When you handle these mechanical sculptures do not grab the sensitive parts. Although they are made from hardwood some pieces may break if they are not handled carefully.

– If you encounter resistance while turning the crank, change the direction of the rotation by half a turn and then continue in the indicated direction.

– Must be protected from humidity!


These mechanical sculptures have sensitive gears, so they should be treated carefully for a correct functioning. Contains small parts which can be swallowed. In conclusion, these sculptures are not suitable for small children…at least not without direct supervision of an adult.

For more information:
